natural remedy derived from bergamot

Bergasterol, bergamot juice

Bergasterol is a natural remedy derived from bergamot, a citrus fruit. Let’s explore this intriguing substance:


What Is Bergasterol?

Bergasterol is a 100% pure bergamot juice.

It’s essentially a pressed juice made from bergamot fruits, including the albedo (the white inner part of the peel) of the citrus. Unlike many other bergamot juices on the market, Bergasterol stands out because it contains no preservatives, colorants, or additives.

Health Benefits of Bergasterol:

Cholesterol Management: Bergasterol is known for its potential to help lower cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and blood sugar. This is due to its rich content of polyphenols, particularly flavonoids.
Atherosclerosis Support: The juice contributes to the treatment of atherosclerosis, a condition affecting the arteries.
Heart and Arterial Health: Bergasterol provides natural support for the heart, arteries, and overall cardiovascular system.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Some studies suggest that bergamot compounds may have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting those with Alzheimer’s disease.
Liver Health: It may also play a role in maintaining a healthy liver.
Anti-Aging Properties: The flavonoids in bergamot are associated with anti-aging benefits.
Authentic Calabrian Bergamot: Bergasterol proudly carries the “Originale Calabrese” certification, ensuring its authenticity as a product of Calabria, Italy.

Where to Find Bergasterol:

You can find Bergasterol in pharmacies and herbal stores. It’s available in convenient packaging, such as 6 small bottles (200 ml each), designed to last for about 24 days. Each bottle contains the optimal amount of bergamot juice for your well-being.

bergasterol - bergamot juice

Remember, Bergasterol is a natural elixir hailing from the sun-kissed groves of Calabria, where the fragrant bergamot thrives.